*A New Site Dedicated to Flying Saucers,Watchers,Humanoid CE3s & Monitoring Orb sightings.
*The Goal of this SIte is to provide those who have just awakened to the Reality of the UFO phenomenon with some of the Best Cases,Photographs & Footage,while also hopefully being of interest to the more Knowledgable & making New Connections-
*Guaranteed Religion-Free! A fun way to educate yourself about what is known of the Watchers
*Interesting 'Nordic' close encounter cases
*Real UFO photographs you might not have seen
*Photographs of Space Anomalies throughout the Solar System
*Photographs of related artifacts
*Interesting related texts
*Selected Videos,Lectures & Documentaries (updated regularly)
*Coming Soon-Forum (weebly membership not necessary)
*Identical twins & Reincarnation/ESP research/Human Genome Anomalies/Blood Types
Some think that because Von Daniken has been shown to have stretched the truth a little..(some say he's a charlatan) & yet his first book was really just asking questions..that because of this ancient astronaut theory is somehow discredited as being "pseudoscientific":This is the ridiculous assertion of sites like wiki..who will also tell you that a little fluoride is good for your teeth & necessary..it's silly, how can someone who's been around for mere decades say that we haven't been visited..of course the evidence & facts clearly show that we have & that its ongoing..thats what this site is about..It's not for wanna be clever clogs who haven't yet seen the facts but have strong opinions..it's for people immersed in the subject,hopefully people will see a thread they've not seen before that they can follow up,,stuff like that!
Above:these are monitoring devices of the Watchers-note the common formation seen worldwide since WW2 (& before that I'm sure but probably more since the nuclear detonations (3000 increasingly big ones since 1945)
Left-Again,common formation for the monitoring devices of the Watchers
usually termed Orbs or Probes or Drones,we can safely say these are not ours,since they appear in photographs from World War 2
usually termed Orbs or Probes or Drones,we can safely say these are not ours,since they appear in photographs from World War 2
UFOs have been filmed firing these beams (Colonel Halt was warned back by one at Rendlesham).They can scan underground with them or even pick you up with them,though I believe they use blue beams for people).
*The Space Gods Society is dedicated to helping educate those who wish to know about their real history & the real history of planet Earth.
*This site will help show that it is not wild speculation,but that these Watchers have always been here monitoring us for the Elohim master race.
*We acknowledge there are other races but because not much is known about them we will stick mainly to the consistent reports of 'Nordic" extraterrestrials,who are interacting with Scottish Rite masonic astronauts within nasa (& elsewhere).
*We will demonstrate that the Bible is a much redacted history of extraterrestrial interaction,as are other scriptures.
*This site will help show that it is not wild speculation,but that these Watchers have always been here monitoring us for the Elohim master race.
*We acknowledge there are other races but because not much is known about them we will stick mainly to the consistent reports of 'Nordic" extraterrestrials,who are interacting with Scottish Rite masonic astronauts within nasa (& elsewhere).
*We will demonstrate that the Bible is a much redacted history of extraterrestrial interaction,as are other scriptures.