ABOVE: "The Enigma of Flying Spheres"
Top documentary about flying spheres,the monitoring devices of the Watchers.
A good one to watch back to back with the below documentary
BELOW: Linda Moulton Howes Awakenings talk at Manchester is very interesting..comparison of symbols from cases & Penniston & C.J's binary code messages..also Oppenheimer examines a vimana power plant (government document)..excllent talks (bar the last half hour or 40 mins)
Top documentary about flying spheres,the monitoring devices of the Watchers.
A good one to watch back to back with the below documentary
BELOW: Linda Moulton Howes Awakenings talk at Manchester is very interesting..comparison of symbols from cases & Penniston & C.J's binary code messages..also Oppenheimer examines a vimana power plant (government document)..excllent talks (bar the last half hour or 40 mins)

ABOVE: "UFOs are real" 1979 documentary
BELOW: "UFOS The True Story of Flying Saucers" 1956
BELOW: "UFOS The True Story of Flying Saucers" 1956

BELOW: "Secret Space:the Illuminati & Aliens"
Chris Everard's Secret Space Series Continues
BELOW: "Secret Space:the Illuminati & Aliens"
Chris Everard's Secret Space Series Continues

ABOVE: Klaus Dona "The Hidden History of the Human Race"
Project Camelot's Bill Ryan interviews Klaus Dona
BELOW: "New Chariots of the Gods:the Mysteries Continue
Project Camelot's Bill Ryan interviews Klaus Dona
BELOW: "New Chariots of the Gods:the Mysteries Continue

ABOVE: "Mysteries of the Gods" with William Shatner 1977
BELOW: "In Search of Mayan Mysteries" with Leonard Nimoy 1978
BELOW: "In Search of Mayan Mysteries" with Leonard Nimoy 1978